Upon his return to Konoha in Part II, Naruto begins to deal more actively with the Akatsuki threat. He first saves Gaara from Akatsuki's clutches, and later proves instrumental in the downfall of Kakuzu. Still, Naruto dedicates himself to find and retrieve Sasuke. Though they eventually find Sasuke's brother, Itachi, after losing Sasuke's trail they return home. After learning that Jiraiya has been killed by the Akatsuki leader, Pain, Naruto trains to the point that, when they finally face off, he defeats all of Pain's six bodies, and convinces the real one to leave Akatsuki. Following a discussion with Pain's superior, Madara Uchiha, about Sasuke's past and role within Akatsuki, Naruto decides to confront Sasuke in battle that may end in both of their deaths if he is not able to save him, and so takes control of the Fox's power to aid him. Upon gaining its powers, Naruto learns that all his comrades are battling Madara's army and goes to join them.
Naruto Uzumaki Abilities
Upon his return to Konoha in Part II, Naruto begins to deal more actively with the Akatsuki threat. He first saves Gaara from Akatsuki's clutches, and later proves instrumental in the downfall of Kakuzu. Still, Naruto dedicates himself to find and retrieve Sasuke. Though they eventually find Sasuke's brother, Itachi, after losing Sasuke's trail they return home. After learning that Jiraiya has been killed by the Akatsuki leader, Pain, Naruto trains to the point that, when they finally face off, he defeats all of Pain's six bodies, and convinces the real one to leave Akatsuki. Following a discussion with Pain's superior, Madara Uchiha, about Sasuke's past and role within Akatsuki, Naruto decides to confront Sasuke in battle that may end in both of their deaths if he is not able to save him, and so takes control of the Fox's power to aid him. Upon gaining its powers, Naruto learns that all his comrades are battling Madara's army and goes to join them.
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